Saturday, March 12, 2011

Facebook : Poke me, I poke you back..!

Heiiiy... someone poke me in facebook today!

This is first time i've been poked by friend.. Just wonder what is POKE in FB means? Is it sign or symbol of rejecting me or irritating or did i hurts someone without intension of doing so? ooo.. so sad kalau macam  tu.. I'm sorry. but then what did i do wrong? ooorrrr.. Poke tu tanda orang tu nak mengorat aku.. hehehe

Ape tu Poke??? Macam abusive word aje... doesn’t sound friendly langsung.. macam ada conflik and insulting someone..

After google baru lah found out... rasa lega.. Rupanya Poke tu for someone say hi. hello. yo.. what's up!  It's just to get your attention from POKE, instead of message/or posting something to your wall... Fb ni very trickly lahh.. Ni kira say hi dalam diam lah ni.. errkk.. kalau posting wall / message tu ada suara ke? Dalam diam jugak kannn...

by the way, ada hidden agenda poke ni rupanya... nice. so hati2 ah kalau korang poke back.. sbb someone can see ur profile, even they r not ur friend!.. scare or not scare? we don't know niat seseorang tu.... Takut ada yang nak ambik kesempatan or berniat jahat pd kita tu. Ini salah satu cara nak hack profile kita. Korang jangan suka2 poking orang lain..!

korang bacalah yang seterusnya ok?

You can understand poke at facebook as to say “hey, you! wutsup”, but some people have wrong understanding that poke at facebook is symbol of disturbing. Following are the correct meanings of poking at facebook
  • A “poke” is basically someone trying to get your attention
  • It’s one of the meaningless features that are used just to annoy someone
  • If you poke someone not in your network and they poke back. You can view their profile even if your not their friend!
  • A poke is when you allow someone to see your facebook page for 3 days, so they can know who you are and hopefully add you as a friend

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