Monday, March 28, 2011

Homework.. Homework..

Dari Blog Lama : Homework.. Homework..
Date : 06/07/2009 (Fahda Tadika)

Baru ni dalam, ada parents tanya macam mana nak bg anak tu buat homework yg cikgu bagi kat sekolah, sebab anak dia tak nak buat homework tu..

Actually learning & homework tu start from home, tak payah tunggu cikgu bagi baru nak buat homework. parents sendiri bg homework kat anak.. by age 5 years old tu korang printlah worksheet dari internet ket, or beli buku latihan untuk diorang buat every day.

jangan cakap buat exercise.. cakap hari ni mama nak bg homework. buat ni ms 1 & 2. lama2 they'll get used with perkataan homework itself. selalu me masa anak tengah sibuk main tu, me akan panggil anak duduk sini sekejap buat homework ni satu muka surat. lepas tu baru sambung main. dulu-dulu satu baris, 2 baris, 3 baris.. lama2 baru naikkan jadi 1 ms, 2 ms.

As for me, tak de tetapkan masa untuk dia belajar, sbb takut dia tak nak & tak fokus... tak pernah push, kalau dia tak nak buat meaning dia x nak buat, Ok take your own sweet time. nanti bila free kita sambung ye..

Free tu bukannya tunggu masa anak tu betul2 free atau dah habis main, memang tak pernah free /abis main pun kannn?? cuma saya akan ambik masa sekejap2 tapi banyak kali, lepas mandi, kacau sekejap masa tengah2 main tu, sementara buat susu, sebelum tidur, sebelum makan, sebelum wonderpet, sementara iklan etc.

Kiranya my girl Fahda, now dah 6 yo, dalam 1 hari Sabtu/Ahad yg kalau tak pi mana2, dia dapat buat 10 -20 muka surat exercise dari buku yg me beli kat kedai... kalau dapat homework dari sekolah pun mcm tu, balik sekolah terus buat mana yang senang dulu, lepas tu mainn.. lepas mandi kang dia sambung sekejap. pas tu stop sebelum tidur, baru saya guide dia buat yg susah2 pulak.

Alhamdulillah math is her best subject kalau 20 simple soalan tambah tolak dalam 5 minit dia dah boleh siapkan cepat. full mark lak tu.. lepas tu dia akan sambung main. cara ni akan bagi dia fokus & quick thinking to solve the problem.. anyway mula2 memang dia akan rush buat homework tu, tp lama2 dia akan jadi biasa, and slowly take her time to do homework / solve to problem.

Ini cara saya & it work for my kid.. saya tak pernah push my girl tu study, tp because my of way of bg dia homework everyday & konsisten, so dia sendiri rasa it is her responsible to finish the homework.

Cuba lah & tell me what is your experience...

Warkah dari anakanda..

Dari Blog Lama : Warkah dari anakanda..
Date : 06/072009 (Fahda Tadika)

Semalam Fahda tulis surat kepada mama.. heheee.. kelakar.. bunyinya mcm ni.

"Kalao mama sayag Fahda mama patot belikan Hadiyah untuk Fahda, masa fahda pedi rumah wan.. "

Translationnya : " Kalau mama sayang Fahda mama patut belikan hadiah untuk Fahda, masa fahda pergi rumah wan.. " Oh noo.. now i know, all the while Fahda sebut pergi as PEDI... bnyk corrections ni.

Ceritanya sbb hari ni dia tersangat rajin buat homework, bnyk exercise yang dah siap, so dia minta mama belikan hadiah untuk dia. tp jangan tunjuk hadiah tu pd dia sekarang.. surprisekan dia dengan hadiah tu masa dia balik dari rumah Wan.. aduhai budak kecik ni... sbb saya pernah surprisekan dia dengan hadiah mcm ni, sebulan yang lalu.. alamak mintak lagi ke?

Anyway surat yang fahda tulis tu not bad. i think i should encourage her to start write a diary. Should i? Sebab now everynight sebelum tidur dia akan fikir balik ape yang menyeronokkan dia hari ini, she will say it it loudly one by one.. ikut turutan lagi tu.. kalau tak best, so obvious mcm moody aje. hehe.. i should teach her now, tonight. at least can improve her writing skills & she can express her feeling in her diary..

---------- got this from internet.. so why waiting..? start now..!! ------

Improving Writing Skills

Importance of Daily Journals for all Children

© Jennifer Wagaman
Have children write in a journal each day to improve writing skills.
Getting a child to write may seem like torture. Many children simply do not like to write, for one reason or another. It may be extremely difficult for them to control the movement of the pencil on the paper, or maybe they cannot come up with anything to write about. Unfortunately for those children, the ability to write clearly and legibly is important and they need to learn. A great way to help improve a child's writing skills is to have them keep a simple journal. This can begin as soon as a child can hold a pencil in one hand.

Picture Journals for Young Children

Young children who do not know their letters cannot write words or sentences but they can draw pictures. A class of preschoolers got excited one day because they "wrote" a Cinderella story. Parents had a simple folded picture book thrust into their hands and one after another each child read his or her story to smiling parents. The pictures were rudimentary and in some cases barely recognizable, but it was their story. This is where writing begins, one person expressing a thought or an idea on paper.

Words and Picture Journals for Children

As children learn their letters, encourage them to add first those individual letters and later words they know to their picture journal. This may start simply by signing their name at the bottom of each page, or having a string of random C’s and O’s strung across the lines. Children at this stage often love practicing their letters.

When children start asking how to spell words, use the opportunity to reinforce letter sounds. Ask them what sound it starts with, and help them sound out the word. Alternatively you can tell them to simply “write what it sounds like”. This is called inventive spelling, and as they learn more phonetic rules, help them learn the correct spelling rules for words.

When the children can write numbers, show them how to write the date. Get your calendar out and demonstrate how to find out what day it is, and how to write the month, day and year. Allow them to copy this information from your written example first, then as they better understand the concept, they can copy off of the calendar itself.

from :

Monday, March 21, 2011

Cuti Sekolah & Buku...


Lama tak update blog dan jugak FB. sejak ada si comel dan montel itu, hidupku tidak seperti dulu. Kalau dulu kelamkabut kali ini 2X kelamkabutnya. hehe.. in a positive way, that's how i run my life. Busy lah sikit.. Rasa hidup lebih bermakna sbb ada pengisiannya..

Minggu lepas cuti sekolah pulak aku sekeluarga bertandang rumah mak mrtua. Saja bagi emak kat shah alam berehat dan bagi peluang mak KL pulak merasa jaga baby. Alhamdulillah Baby ni tak meragam langsung. asyik tidur aje kerjanya sampaikan kena dikejut sbb terover tidur. Siang tidur, malam lagi lah tidur sampai pagi..!

Dan aku pun bertambah kelamkabut lagi sbb berulang alik dr KL ke shah alam. Everything OK cuma tak larat lah nak tempuh jem pagi2 and petang2. Tension pun ada gak, maklumlah sebelum ni tak sampai 10 minit dah sampai.. hahhaa..

Well nak cerita pasal aktiviti Fahda masa cuti sekolah. Hari Selasa tu kitorang round CM, shopping sikit2 kat jalan masjid india, lunch dengan Efa, and lastly beli 2 buku untuk Fahda. Salah satu nya komik Superhero kanak-kanak bernama Babap Boi, yang mempunyai kuasa membuatkan orang menangis kalau tengok matanya. Bestlah citer tu. aku baca sampai termimpi aku ada kuasa terbang.. hehee..

baca sini sinopsisi dari pelukis komik babap boi. I'm waiting for next book..!

Start daripada buku tu Fahda, Fahda mintak lagi buku lain. Fahda tak berenggang dgn buku.. persis aku masa kecik dulu. Kata mak mertua, sama mcm baba dia... Well ke mana tumpahnya lauk kalau bukan ke nasi.

So hari Khamisnya aku singgah ke Office Jualan PTS dia Batu Caves. Dekat sangat dengan rumah mak mertua. Kat situ beli lagi 6 buku cerita untuk Fahda. abis semua dia nak borong... Murah dapat diskaun 25%. Fahda happy sangat. dan kesemua buku tu habis dibaca pd hari sabtu. Sabtu tu masa balik dari tusyen, beli lagi 2 buku cerita Ana Muslim. dan semalam kami ke Pavillion, beli 4 lagi buku cerita (Malay + Eng). So total buku cerita dibeli masa cuti sekolah ni...14 buah!

Itu pun tak puas hati lagi tu.. dengan tamaknya ajak ke PTS lagi. nak borong semua buku kat situ. adoi... lain kali ye.. Skrg ni target Pesta buku pulak. DUlu tak perasaan nak pergi sbb masa tu Fahda belum ada hobi membaca buku lagi. Tapi tahun ni insya-allahh..

Jangan lupa Pesta Buku KL 2011 pada 22 April – 1 Mei 2011!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Facebook : Poke me, I poke you back..!

Heiiiy... someone poke me in facebook today!

This is first time i've been poked by friend.. Just wonder what is POKE in FB means? Is it sign or symbol of rejecting me or irritating or did i hurts someone without intension of doing so? ooo.. so sad kalau macam  tu.. I'm sorry. but then what did i do wrong? ooorrrr.. Poke tu tanda orang tu nak mengorat aku.. hehehe

Ape tu Poke??? Macam abusive word aje... doesn’t sound friendly langsung.. macam ada conflik and insulting someone..

After google baru lah found out... rasa lega.. Rupanya Poke tu for someone say hi. hello. yo.. what's up!  It's just to get your attention from POKE, instead of message/or posting something to your wall... Fb ni very trickly lahh.. Ni kira say hi dalam diam lah ni.. errkk.. kalau posting wall / message tu ada suara ke? Dalam diam jugak kannn...

by the way, ada hidden agenda poke ni rupanya... nice. so hati2 ah kalau korang poke back.. sbb someone can see ur profile, even they r not ur friend!.. scare or not scare? we don't know niat seseorang tu.... Takut ada yang nak ambik kesempatan or berniat jahat pd kita tu. Ini salah satu cara nak hack profile kita. Korang jangan suka2 poking orang lain..!

korang bacalah yang seterusnya ok?

You can understand poke at facebook as to say “hey, you! wutsup”, but some people have wrong understanding that poke at facebook is symbol of disturbing. Following are the correct meanings of poking at facebook
  • A “poke” is basically someone trying to get your attention
  • It’s one of the meaningless features that are used just to annoy someone
  • If you poke someone not in your network and they poke back. You can view their profile even if your not their friend!
  • A poke is when you allow someone to see your facebook page for 3 days, so they can know who you are and hopefully add you as a friend

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Farah's development

Yeah... Hari ni nak citer pasal buah hati terbaru, Baby Farah. She is growing stronger every day. Semakin bulat dan comel, able to lift her head, mata melilau-lilau looking around. She is soooooo adorable!

Tolong angkat saya.. yeahhh tendang.. tendang..!!

She likes to lying on her stomach, its good for her muscles development and practise for her pra-merangkak.. hehhee... kakinya kuat suka menendang macam masa dia dalam perut mama. asyik bergerak, menendang. Bila diusik perut sebelah kiri dia akan membalas sentuhan tu. amazing..

Most of the time Farah sleeping through the night. I'm the lucky mom! Farah tidur sepanjang malam! Jarang sangat dia berjaga malam nak susu.. dalam seminggu tu boleh dikiralah.. Alhamdulillah... tidurnya sentiasa tenang aje. Pelik jugak.. siang tidur boleh 3-4 jam 1 sesi, malam pulak boleh sepanjang malam!  Betullah orang kata baby membesar dlm tidur. Kalau tidurnya tak cukup, badan pun slim aje.. macam Fahda.

Tempat yang paling dia suka masa dia berjaga ialah.. bilik fahda. Kenapa ye..? agaknya sebab bilik fahda tu warna pink and banyak benda dalam tu. She can smile, laugh alone tanpa diacah. Time2 meragam tu letak aje atas katil bilik fahda tu.. terus diam. tiba2 aje ketawa.. Fahda pulak rajin baca buku dalam bilik. jadi mama biarkan aje dua beradik tu berborak sesama diorang... She's an excellent listener!

Fahda pulak selalu cakap Farah sebagai kembarnya.. memang sama tapi tak serupa.

I love both of you, girls.  You're love of my life...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Happy birthday.... Ros & Coklat

Happy birthday.... to me...

kalau dapat bunga best ni..
The single red rose… simple, yet beautiful
 tapi.... kalau dapat coklat lagi best.
yum.. yumm..
perut kenyang,
boleh menggemukkan diri.. hehee
Yang penting feeling and sense of memanjakan diri.
hilang stresss...!

COKLAT ye saya nak..!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

aahh.. penatnya. Penat sangat.
2 bulan cuti, system tunggang langgang.
adakah aku yang salah ajar my successor yg dikatakan hebat itu...
apa nak buat....